• Knotty Training Halter Bitless Bridle Sidepull

    See Description for color choices. Please leave note about main bridle color here:
    What is color preference for nose wrapping?

    Training halter with 5 knot noseband and set of stopper knots so you can decide if you want to clip your reins low, middle, or high. 

    10 different noseband wrappings to pic from so you can customize this piece just for you.

    MAIN HALTER COLOR CHOICES: Black, Blue Camo, Brown, Brown Camo, Burgundy, Cream, Cream w/ red white blue, Dark Tan, Fireball, Gold, Graphite/Grey, Hunter Green, Lime Green, Emerald Green, Maroon, Navy, Olive Green w/ black, Orange, Pink, Pink Camo, Purple, Purple Camo, Red, Red White Blue 'Flag', Royal Blue, Rust, Rust Camo, Tan w/ brown tracer, Tea/Green Turquoise, White, Woodland Camo, Yellow w/ red tracer